The specific aims of learning outcomes-based curriculum framework (LOCF) in social work are:
- To enable students to understand history, philosophy, values, ethics and functions of social work profession, and its linkages with other social science disciplines;
- To equip students with knowledge on core and ancillary methods of professional social work, and its practice base;
- To inculcate in the students values of enquiry and research; and thereby develop problem solving and decision making abilities;
- To prepare professionals to practice in diverse social work settings and also address contemporary issues and concerns such as of marginalized and exclusive population;
- To make learners- the young professionals sensitive to the needs of the people at individuals, group and community levels and to social problems in changing social, cultural and techno-economic context;
- To develop young professionals with good communication skills and quest for a self- motivated life-long learning, focusing on skilling and re-skilling in their respective field of social work practice;
- To develop in the graduates a perspective on understanding planning and development at the national and international levels; and also thrust on national policies directed towards achieving sustainable development
- To imbibe in the learners the values of social justice, human rights, empathy, hard and honest work- thereby developing in them the vision to work towards an egalitarian society.
The LOCF-Social Work envisions the creation of a just and humane environment where professionally trained social workers having a quest for life-long learning and deeper sense of service, help people in enhancing their capacity and efficacy in finding lasting solutions to their problems and fulfilment of diversified needs, and thus work towards making this world liveable in a free and fair manner in harmony with nature
The Mission of Learning Outcomes based Curriculum Framework for Social Work is to ensure quality education to the aspirants foreseeing the developmental trends in higher education, incorporating multi-disciplinary skills, making professional education and practice of social work more attractive, preparing the youth for life- long learning in a competitive world and ultimately increasing the chances of their employability on the one hand and shaping their personality to take up new challenges, new assignments and new responsibilities comfortably on the other, and thus ultimately contributing in the mitigation of the problems of suffering humanity.