BA History


The aim of B.A History course is to develop an ability to observe, to analyze and to interpret objectively and to make rational decisions and to solve problems involving Political science. History aims at helping students to understand the present existing social, political, religious and economic conditions of the people. The present is in fact the child of the past. It is a development of the past. Without the knowledge of history, we cannot have the background of our religion, customs institutions, administration and so on. Our present conditions are thus the result of the past problems.


  • The ability to demonstrate content knowledge of world cultures and their interconnection to global forces as they change over time.
  • The ability to think historically: identifying the unique characteristics of past eras, articulating causality, and analyzing change over time.
  • The ability to interpret in their historical contexts an array of primary sources, including manuscripts, artifacts, quantitative, oral or visual sources.

Career in Government sector

Assistant Professor, UPSC, KPSC, SSC, Planning commission, KEA, Administration department, Historical researcher, Archaeological department, tourist department etc.

  • The ability to engage critically with historical argument: identifying underlying theories, assumptions, and approaches.
  • The ability to conduct original historical research using primary and secondary sources, and placing one’s own work within historical debates.
  • The ability to communicate historical knowledge, interpretations, and arguments clearly in writing, oral presentations, or public history projects.

Career in Private sector

  • History teacher
  • Archaeologist
  • Tourist guide
  • Historical researcher  
  • Professor

Higher studies

After graduate level of History, students can choose post graduate level in History.

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